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Chinese scientists have developed solar energy "power generation glass" for mass production.
Publisher:admin  Time:2018/4/27 9:37:23  Click:4562
"Power generation glass", also known as cadmium telluride thin film solar cell, is known as "oil field hanging on the wall".
In just 55 seconds, the terminal of the production line went out of a cadmium telluride power generation glass with the largest monomer area in the world.
A single area of 1.92 square meters, weighs 30 kilograms, and can generate electricity 260 degrees - 270 degrees. For the largest "power generation glass", China has a complete independent intellectual property right!
At present, Pan Jingong's Optoelectronic Material Co., Ltd. has been formally put into trial production, which has already been captured, enough to produce a production line of 100 megawatts per year to produce a year...

Next:Application of glass structure at home and abroad
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